Why Should I Get A Ceramic Coating?
Long-Lasting Protection
The main reason ceramic coatings became popular is because of its long-lasting protective properties. A ceramic coating is essentially a hard glass-like shell that protects your vehicles from things such as the following:
Water Spots: Water, even in its purest form can contain traces of minerals, salts, acids and more. These contaminates in the water can very quickly and easily be deposited on to the surface of your vehicles paint as the water in which it is dissolved in evaporates. Leaving behind the harmful contaminates which damages your vehicles paint.
Bird Droppings: Bird droppings ruin vehicles paint because they are very acidic. With PH levels between 3.5 - 4.5, the acid begins to burn and etch the paint until it is completely washed off the vehicle. In many cases, this will leave behind a permanent spot on your vehicles paint in which the only method of repair this is by repainting the damaged area.
Harmful UV rays: The sun can make your vehicle look amazing. However, like your skin, automotive paint can very easily be damaged by ultraviolet rays when exposed for too long. Ultraviolet rays cause your paint to oxidize fast, making your vehicle look worn out and older than it might be.
Industrial Fallout: Industrial fallout is essentially very hot microscopic shards of metal. Because the metal is so hot, it easily embeds itself into the top layers of your vehicles paint. Over time, this can cause a variety of things to happen to your paint, such as rust, corrosion and oxidation. Industrial fallout is usually caused when metal comes in contact with metal such as a train breaking, warehouses cutting metal, shipping yards, etc.
Every time your vehicle is moving, it is exposed to a variety of harmful contaminates. This is where a wax or ceramic coating comes in to play. These add a layer of protection keeping all of the above and more, from making its way into your clear coat and or paint, although wax generally provides inferior protection when compared to a ceramic coating.
Water Spots: Water, even in its purest form can contain traces of minerals, salts, acids and more. These contaminates in the water can very quickly and easily be deposited on to the surface of your vehicles paint as the water in which it is dissolved in evaporates. Leaving behind the harmful contaminates which damages your vehicles paint.
Bird Droppings: Bird droppings ruin vehicles paint because they are very acidic. With PH levels between 3.5 - 4.5, the acid begins to burn and etch the paint until it is completely washed off the vehicle. In many cases, this will leave behind a permanent spot on your vehicles paint in which the only method of repair this is by repainting the damaged area.
Harmful UV rays: The sun can make your vehicle look amazing. However, like your skin, automotive paint can very easily be damaged by ultraviolet rays when exposed for too long. Ultraviolet rays cause your paint to oxidize fast, making your vehicle look worn out and older than it might be.
Industrial Fallout: Industrial fallout is essentially very hot microscopic shards of metal. Because the metal is so hot, it easily embeds itself into the top layers of your vehicles paint. Over time, this can cause a variety of things to happen to your paint, such as rust, corrosion and oxidation. Industrial fallout is usually caused when metal comes in contact with metal such as a train breaking, warehouses cutting metal, shipping yards, etc.
Every time your vehicle is moving, it is exposed to a variety of harmful contaminates. This is where a wax or ceramic coating comes in to play. These add a layer of protection keeping all of the above and more, from making its way into your clear coat and or paint, although wax generally provides inferior protection when compared to a ceramic coating.
Cost Effective:Ceramic coats are very cost effective when compared to alternative solutions. Although the upfront cost of a ceramic coat can be expensive, ceramic coats are much more durable and long lasting than any form of wax or other protective layers. Ceramic coatings can last anywhere from 3-10+ years when applied correctly, while a wax can last anywhere from a couple weeks to a month, or even until your next wash. These smaller transactions can add up quick, costing you more in the long run!
Easier to maintain cleanliness:The protective layer of a ceramic coat is extremely hydrophobic, and slick. Because of this, it is much harder for dirt and debris to collect on your vehicle as there is not enough friction to keep the contaminates on the vehicle. The lack of contaminate build up combined with the hydrophobic properties of the coat make it extremely easy to clean, dry and protect!